Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses Post COVID-19

Many businesses believe that marketing spends would plummet given the global crisis and that companies would focus more on cutting down their costs to survive the crisis. This thinking holds true to some extent, as businesses are cutting down on their offline marketing and promotions. However, an altogether new field of marketing, called digital or online marketing, has gained popularity and is, in fact, growing exponentially during the crisis. Not just that but every business, regardless of their size and scale, is investing heavily in online marketing.

So what is it that makes online or digital marketing so lucrative for businesses? Here, in this blog, we will discuss the different types of online marketing activities provided by a typical SEO company in India, and how they would be beneficial to your business post the COVID 19 crisis.

Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Marketing on social media

Today, almost everyone has a smartphone with an active internet connection. This popularity of smartphones has led to a vast increase in social media activity. People spend most of their time on one social media platform or the other — even when working from home due to this pandemic. Social media has been the best place people go to relieve their stress and boredom due to the pandemic. People want to reconnect with their family and friends to check if they are safe and secure, leading to increased activity on social media. The number of active social media accounts has skyrocketed across every platform during the lockdown.

For a small business, this phenomenon spells a wonderful opportunity to showcase its brand to a wider social media audience across different demographics. Social media marketing provided by an SEO company is a very cost-effective form of marketing in comparison to other forms of marketing and advertising. Not only that, but social media platforms also allow you to engage with your audience by consistently providing them with quality content. The best part is that more people are active on social media now than ever before, idle at home, seeking some enthusiasm and action in their life.

By being consistently visible on social media, you can create engagement with this audience and build your brand identity in the market. Your active posts will feed them with a regular dose of information, building a connection with your brand on social media.

Best types of social media posts

No two social media posts are equal. And what works for one brand may not work for another. Social media posts are broadly divided into the following groups based on their content:

  • Real-time updates: The best way to boost audience engagement is by keeping them posted on the current situation of your business plans during this period. Inform them about the different measures in place and the ways in which you have strived to keep your business going and your scheduled dates to reopen your business.</p

  • Comic posts: The only reason most people simply scroll through social media is they are seeking a break from the monotony of life. They seek something fun and exciting in those social media posts. You can provide them with a regular dose of light-hearted humour by posting funny anecdotes about the current situation. You can even add funny jokes or quotes that aim to highlight your brand. This way, you will be able to build engagement as well as showcase your brand.

  • Build relationships: Focus on building relationships and create connections with your target audience. Search for ways to keep them engaged with your brand through contests, polls, and giveaways.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation marketing

SEO has always had great prominence in online marketing, but it has become more important now than ever before. With more and more people browsing the internet to find solace from the negativity all around, it has become extremely crucial for your business to be visible to your target audience.

An effective SEO marketing strategy can ensure that your website always ranks among the top websites on different search engines. It will ensure wider visibility from an audience that is eager to take action. Therefore, the right visibility and targeted SEO marketing strategy will help you attract more visitors to your website, generating valuable business in these tough times.

According to a Search Engine Optimization services company, a sure-shot way to benefit from SEO is by constantly uploading quality content on your website to catch the attention of the search engine algorithms. This strategy will build your website’s trust and credibility among the search engines, which ultimately boosts the rankings of your website.

Best SEO activities

Some of the SEO activities that have known to boost brand visibility and good search engine rankings include:

  • Articles: Consistently create keyword-rich blogs and articles and upload them on your website. Let your audience feed on your information. Plus, keep updating your content at periodic intervals to increase its relevance. Doing so will help you show yourself as the market expert who has the best knowledge about the industry. Choose the topics as per their relevance and write keyword-rich content. Include tips, tricks, DIY, and reviews as part of your articles. Such content will give you credibility and build your audience.

  • Citations: When you submit your website to different forums and online directories, you increase the authority of your domain. Search engines will find your website in more places, and thus, their algorithms will see the website as updated, credible, and reliable. This process will boost your rankings among the search results. Create attractive backlinks to further engage your audience and keep them for a greater period on your website.

  • Website optimization: Optimising your website has become more important than ever. Is your website content old and outdated? If yes, then it would severely hamper your rankings among search engines. Therefore, optimize your website content to suit the current needs of your audience. Add fresh images and new content to your website. Include more call-to-action buttons and internal links to keep your visitors engaged with your website.

These are the wonderful marketing ideas that you can successfully implement, post the COVID-19 crisis. This form of marketing doesn’t cost much but guarantees better customer engagement and leads to increased brand awareness.

To contact the best SEO services company in India, visit Savit Interactive today.